20 years, 10 years, 1 picture.

I remember the first time I went to a gym. I was 16, done with recreational sports my parents got me to do and wanting to start something new for myself. I got to a machine, sat down, pulled this heavy bar attached to a cable. It was a pull down lat machine, I still remember. And so, awkwardly, my biggest passion – the love of my life – was born.

That was the day I entered the door of fitness, of changing your body, shaping yourself. Little did I know, it was the beginning of an ever transforming, life long, passionate journey. 

Why am I telling you this? Because like in everything, there is a start. So that was mine. It wasn’t the start of what you maybe know me for (contortion), but that was the start that took me to contortion (11 years later). So between that day I first walked into a gym and today, 20 years have passed. I want you to remember, next time you see either a cool pic on social media of me or someone else, that where you see that person now took TIME, a very slow process, lot of up and down moments and that pic is only a tiny tiny expression of the whole picture behind someone’s life story. 

Simple yet powerful reminders for all of us:

Don’t lose touch with “reality”. Please remind yourself to be patient, first of all with yourself and with whatever goal you have. What’s the rush anyway?

Be present. Pay attention on what stories you tell yourself, as life is only but a perception we make of it. Be objective about what you see online.

Practice “tough love” (sometimes you’ll be gentle, sometimes you’ll be strict with yourself – the secret is how you’ll balance between the two). 

Train your attention with reading and meditation, journaling and slowing down.

I do these things religiously because it’s too easy to fall for life’s everyday traps. The minds needs training. Find your flow and don’t just follow whatever others are doing. You are not them.

You let your own light shine ok? Bye for now 🙂


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